Godwin Ponraj

Magnetic Resonance Coupling based Wireless Power Sharing Scheme (MRC-WPSS)

Lead Contributer ( Conceptualisation | Design | Experimentation | Characterisation | Writing )
Under review in IEEE T-ASE
In this project, we present a novel wireless power sharing scheme using magnetic resonance coupling (MRC-WPSS), where a single transmission system can simultaneously transmit power and control the distributed between two entirely passive receiving sides. This will not only facilitate the device operation without on-board battery but also provides the ability to control the said device based on the amount of power it receives.

For example, two heaters used in therapy around the same region can be wirelessly powered and controlled to effect different temperatures. While most existing solutions choose either selectivity or power manipulation, our proposed system aims to achieve an optimal solution between power sharing and selectivity. Simulation results support our claim that, by selecting the transmission side capacitance and by designing sufficiently overlapping receiving side resonant profiles, the desired load-sharing profile can be achieved between the two secondaries. A simple experimental prototype was designed using resistive heaters as the two secondary loads. Experimental results show the load sharing at different temperatures in the two heaters. The proposed wireless power transfer design can be used in simple remote applications that benefit from power control, such as remotely controllable heaters and robotic actuations.

Under review in IEEE T-ASE